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Showing posts from May, 2018

I Lost A Part Of Me

The bell rang restlessly. And when he answered the call, There was a huge silence. An unpleasant silence Which filled each one of us With terror. He looked at my face. I was waiting for 'nothing serious ' As the answer had always been. ' I'm sorry ' he muttered. I had no words. Nor did he. When we reached the place, We saw people we didn't even know. All in black With tears we can't count. There in the middle of Shattered pieces of hearts, There laid the most beautiful soul Covered in white shawl. The soul who lived many lives Before leaving, Was resting. Don't know if in peace or in pain. My eyes yet couldn't believe. Actually, I wasn't wishing to believe. The tears refused to stop And my heart refused to act strong. All my unfulfilled promises, All her soothing words, All her undue love, And all my spoken harsh words. They haunted me all together And killed me half. Didn't know that life could be this harsh