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Showing posts from January, 2019

A Note of Happiness

Well, well, lemme tell you something. Here in Copper(my home town), we celebrate our Republic Day with Parade competition and ya some dance programmes. Then there would be a mela to cherish the morning of the  Republic Day. Every year there would be so many people gathering in the Nehru Ground, where the programmes are usually held. And every year I and my sister along with some of our friends race to the mela to buy things we adore. And every year, Papa would leave to office saying "I've kept the money in the shelf". It has been so since years. He never forgets to keep the money, no matter what. But this morning, since I was asleep I didn't hear him saying anything. So as I woke up, I was a lil confused if he forgot about it or what. With hope I approached the shelf. Dhk Dhk *heart beats* Huh. There it was. A note of  Rs.200. I held it in my hand with a smile. And as I looked up there was kunju(sister)  standing there smiling at me. We both shared no words but...

How To Paint The River Back To Blue?

Lately, I was travelling in metro. It's way too fasinating you know to fly above the city skipping all those traffic and noise, enjoying the incredible view that the city has to offer. So that day, there was a young boy and his mother sitting right beside me. Probably, they climbed on metro for the first time. As the metro was about to reach the bridge over the river, the boy climed on his seat to have a proper look at the river. "Beta, it's Yamuna" his mom said. After staring at the river for few seconds, the boy questioned "But mom, aren't rivers blue? Why is Yamuna black? The lady explained "It is like that beta!". Wait. What? Really? Was it like that before? wasn't it blue once? Wasn't it's colour  changing like most of the rivers in India? Haven't we humans painted it in black with the brushes of plastic? Well whom to blame when its always about blaming  others. We humans talk about pollution with cigarettes  in our ...