I was lost in the dark. Couldn't see Where to go and where not to. Couldn't decide Whom to believe and whom not to. But then came he. Told me it was shallows, And wasn't deep enough. Pulled me out of where I was. Showed me where to go, Where not to. And whom to believe, Whom not to. Out of the hundreds lost in dark, He choose to pull up me. But why was I chosen? Why was only he who came? I had no clues. Nor did he. But, as the time passed on, I understood, Why was it only me? And why was it only he? Literally, we understood What soul mates are meant to be. In life's crazy but wonderful journey, We came up with questions And answered it satisfactorily. But we did it all together. And that was our victory.
A place where you find life written in words.